Care Leaver Support

Care leavers may have been preparing for independent living for a while before turning 18, but preparing for higher education may not have been a part of these preparations. As a result, according to a recent government report, only 6% of former children in care go to taking on a higher education course. This is significantly lower than that national average for non-looked after young people which is just over 50%. For someone who has experienced the care system, there can be struggles with adjusting to the day-to-day of independent living without the added pressures which higher education can bring. And while challenges faced in care can equip care leavers with the strengths and resilience to cope with a wide of changing circumstances, higher education may not be seen as an option. However, there is specific help and support out there to help with the move to higher education. Maybe most importantly, there is special funding and financial support for care leavers. Also, when in higher education, there is a full range of support structures to help former children in care with every aspect of the adjustment to life at university or college so as to be as successful as possible.

Advice for care leavers

Useful Sites to Learn More

The Complete Uni Guide

The Care Leaver Association

The Student Room